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  • Licensing: Reactivate/Transfer a license
    Answer: Usually an activated XP/VS license is bound to the hardware of each machine. However, based on manual requests we do allow reasonable reactivation requests. ...
  • Technical: Installation and usage of TSX Scan
    Answer: With TSX Scan you only need the TWAIN or WIA scanner driver on the client computer. On the server computer you need either XP/VS Server ...
  • Licensing: How long are XP/VS licenses valid?
    Answer: XP/VS licenses(except demo/trial licenses) are always perpetual licenses, so they will never expire. ...
  • Technical: RemoteFX
    Answer: Thinstuff XP/VS Server Professional supports RemoteFX since Windows 7 SP1 (all editions).  However, this RemoteFX for Thinstuff Remote Desktop Server should not be mixed up ...
  • Technical: XPVS Server is not working ? Checklist
    Answer: XPVS Server is not working ? Checklist 1) License validCheck in XPVS Server Administrator the license status.Eg, Invalid Hardware Key, Activation Required 2) Microsoft UpdatesDid you install Microsoft Updates ...
  • Sales: How can i buy the XP/VS Server or other products from Thinstuff?
    Answer: You can buy the products directly in our Webshop . You can pay with credit card (Visa, Mastercard), Paypal or payment in advance (wire transfer). If you ...
  • Licensing: Configure Product Evalutation Version
    Answer: If you want to change the evaluation license mode during the trial process please do the following : 1.) Open XP/VS Server Administrator and go to ...
  • Licensing: Invalid hardware key?
    Answer: This only happens on a physical PC if your hardware has changed significantly (e.g. change of mainboard or complete PC ...) or on a virtual ...

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