Activate XP/VS Server License - Offline Activation


Offline Activation

There is also the possibility to do an offline-activation by copying the activation information from your computer without internet access to one with internet access.

1. On your computer without internet access, where you have installed XP/VS Server
fig.1 To get the activation information please open the program XP/VS Terminal Server Administrator and select “File” and “Add/Activate License”. Subsequent click on the button “Copy hardware Key to clipboard”


2. Paste the text into a text editor (e.g. Notepad), save it locally (e.g. xxx-hwkey.txt) and copy this text-file to your computer with internet access.

3. On your computer with internet access:
fig.1 Please log into your Thinstuff-Account


4. If you have bought a license directly in our webshop
fig.1 Switch into your account to “Overview” and click on “Activate” next to your favored license.

fig.2 Please select your text file, which you have created previously based on the activation-information.

fig.3 Now click on „Activate license“.

 5. Download activated license
Click now on the newly activated license below the item “License file to download an re-import”.

In the following dialogue please select „Save“ to save the license file locally

6. Copy the license file (license_XXXXX.tlic) on that computer, where you have installed XP/VS Server

7. Import the license
fig.1 Open the TSX Remote App Licensing Manager on the your server machine and click on the File → Import license from file in the menu bar.

fig.2 Now select your license file (.tlic) and click on „Open“.


8. Activation completed
fig.1 Now you receive a notice, that your license has been successfully imported, please confirm this dialogue with “Ok”. As shown in the window, the license appears now as valid in your XP/VS Admin.

Tags: activate, activate license, activation, how to, import, Invalid hardware key, License, offline, online shop, purchase product, register, thinstuff account