Error: Operating system update level is not compatible.
There have been some reports that the error message "Your current operating system update level is not compatible with the currently installed version of XP/VS server!" appears.
Please check if you have install all latest Windows updates and did you update the XPVS Server version as well ?
You will find the latest XPVS Server version shown on our website
and in the changelog:
Might happen that system files are corrupted:
Open a command promt as Administrator and run "sfc /SCANNOW" to repair system files.
If the problem still persists, create and upload our diagnostic file TSRP (Thinstuff Support Request Package) .
Most of the time this is the fastest and most simple way to analyze 90% of possible server-side configuration problems and errors.
Please run :
C:\Program Files\Thinstuff\XPVS Server\TSSupportPackage.exe
on that computer where XP/VS Termial Server is installed and follow the instructions to upload the package.
You can upload this file directly to our webserver (
We will then analyse it to find the problem.