Session Time Limits
Sometimes you might want to set specific time limits or change the default behaviour for disconnected remote desktop users.
A detailed control over the session handling, can be achieved by activating several group policies:
1. Open your group policy editor (Start -> Run -> gpedit.msc)
2. Navigate to Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Session Time Limit
3. Please reboot your machine, after you have changed a group policy or run command "gpupdate /force" in your command prompt.
Note: In case your machine is joined to a domain, local computer group policies may be overwritten by domain policies.
Following policies are available:
Set time limit for disconnected sessions
Specify the maximum amount of time that a disconnected session remains active on the server.
Set time limit for active but idle sessions
Enable this policy to set to disconnect active but idle remote desktop sessions after a specified amount of time.
Set time limit for active sessions
Set a time limit to automatically disconnect active sessions after the specified amount of time.
End sessions when time limits are reached
Specify a time limit for active or idle remote desktop sessions. The user will get logged out instead of disconnected.
Tags: change timeout for rdp sessions, disconnected rdp user, disconnect rdp sessions after inactivity, end remote desktop session, increase rdp session timeout windows, session time limits