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  • Licensing: Reactivate/Transfer a license
    Answer: Usually an activated XP/VS license is bound to the hardware of each machine. However, based on manual requests we do allow reasonable reactivation requests. ...
  • Technical: Support for Network Level Authentication on Windows XP SP3
    Answer: The newer RDP clients support "NLA" Network Level Authentication. Under XP SP3 "credssp" has to be enabled. KB951608 Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then press ENTER. In ...
  • Technical: Audio Capture
    Answer: Until recently the Remote Desktop Protocol supported audio redirection only from the server to the client.Starting with Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 the ...
  • Technical: Auto Printer Creation
    Answer: Thinstuff XP/VS Terminal Server will allow users to access their local printers within the RDP session. This feature is called auto printer creation. If users ...
  • Technical: Compatibilty with TSX Scan
    Answer: We are often asked for compatibility of scanners working with our software TSX Scan.Of course we cannot test all available scanner devices, but we can ...
  • Technical: Media Player Redirection
    Answer: Beginning with Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 several improvements have been made to enhancethe audio and video playback experience in remote desktop sessions. ...
  • Technical: XP/VS Server trial version
    Answer: You can find the XP/VS Server Trial Versions here . related informations: 73. TSX Scan trial version 47. How can i buy the XP/VS Server or other products ...
  • Technical: How can I sign my .rdp files?
    Answer: General Description You can use a digital signature to sign .rdp files. By signing .rdp files with trusted certificates, your clients can verify that important settings such ...

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