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  • Technical: After Microsoft Updates KB2984972 & KB2973501 XPVS Server stops working
    Answer:  Unfortunately we've discovered a incompatibility with XP/VS Server and Windows updates KB2984972 & KB2973501! We've released a new version of our XP/VS Server which does ...
  • Licensing: Can I upgrade a XP/VS license?
    Answer: Yes, you can upgrade your XP/VS license at any time after purchase directly in our webshop at Log into your Thinstuff account and you will ...
  • Technical: An internal error has occurred.
    Answer: In case you receive the message "An internal error has occurred" or "Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten" the reason can be following: So first of all ...
  • Technical: XPVS Server in cloud environments
    Answer: Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service offering virtual machines.To access such virtual server - Azure uses the same protocol "RDP"  as XPVS, RDSH, Termninal Server.If "Remote ...
  • Licensing: Licensing on virtual machines
    Answer: On virtual machines the XP/VS license is always bound to the MAC address of the primary Windows network interface.In following cases this can lead to ...
  • Technical: Silent installation
    Answer: A silent install is the installation of XP/VS Server that requires no user interaction.  This allows you to automate the updates of your XP/VS Server instances quite easily.  By default, some of our drivers require a confirmation before the installation continues.   However, in case you do not need TSX USB - which is only available if you are using a Professional license, you can disable this feature with a specific command very easily.  In order to perform a silent install of XP/VS Server just follow these tasks: 1. Download the latest ...

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