What is my IP address?
Once you’ve set up XP/VS Server to allow remote access for multiple users you will need the IP address or hostname of your server.
1. Right-click on the Windows icon and select “Run”.
2. In the box that appears type cmd.exe and press “Enter”.
3. Type ipconfig in the command line and press “Enter”.
You’ll see a range of information appear, but for now just note down the IPv4 Address or hostname of your XP/VS Server.
To connect to XP/VS Server simply use any modern Remote Desktop app (recommended) or the default RDP client from Microsoft (Start -> Run -> mstsc.exe).
Type the IP address or hostname of XP/VS Server, your username and click “Connect”.
Tags: port forwarding, rdp hostname, rdp ip address list, remote desktop port, windows 11 rdp